Verdens mest populære profil har endelig kommet i en LED versjon.
ETC`s Source Four startet med HPL pære, så kom Source Four HID og endelig har Source Four LED ankommet.

ETC`s produkt sjef for Source Four, Matthew Armendariz-Kerr sier følgende om det nye hjertebarnet: «We knew that if we were going to build a profile fixture powered by LEDs, it had to be worthy of the Source Four name. When you think Source Four, you think beauty of light, efficiency, and industry-standard appearance. We had to achieve all three. Our engineers and designers went to work on it and delivered — in a big way. They were able to package our exclusive Selador® LED x7 Color System in a bright fixture that is shaped and sized like a Source Four and offers the quality and functionality designers expect.”

Source Four LED produserer en skarp, ren lysstråle som er fokuserbar. Dette gjør den allsidig og brukbar i nesten alle mulige prosjekter. Armaturen vil være tilgjengelig i tre versjoner: Lustr+, Daylight, og Tungsten.

Akkurat som ETC sin Desire Lustr+ tilbyr ETC Source Four LED Lustr+ et komplett fargespekter, takket være Selador x7 farge systemet. Imens Source Four LED Tungsten og Daylight produserer maksimum lysstyrke på 3000K og 5600K.

ETC Source Four LED er perfekt for steder der det kreves energi effektive løsninger og der stille fargeskift er påkrevd. I tillegg er ETC Source Four LED spesialdesignet for å kunne brukes sammen med mer tradisjonelle lamper.

Armendariz-Kerr fortsetter:
“There has to be a benefit when adding new technology to a lighting rig. With LEDs, there has always been implied energy efficiency. Unfortunately, this has not always been true of all LED fixtures, especially some of the current LED profiles on the market. But efficacy has always been an ETC imperative. So, with the Source Four LED, we demanded that the amount of light we produce for the power used be exceptional. With this new line of fixtures we are achieving between 30 and 40 lumens per watt, depending on the model. These are compelling numbers — best in class compared to other offerings.» “We’ve spent a lot of development effort making sure the product is right and that it delivers the best possible quality. We understand that richness of color is vital to a performance; and beyond that, we have an aesthetically wonderful product. It looks, feels, and focuses like a Source Four, with the added benefits of an intelligent fixture.”

ETC har allerede testet mange ETC Source Four LED flere steder.
Armendariz-Kerr sier følgende: “Lighting designers are really happy with it. They have confirmed that we’ve created a useful and exciting product that people can integrate into their rigs and existing design approaches, while opening up a range of new possibilities.”

ETC Source Four LED er leveringsklar i April.

Publisert: 22. mars 2012